Free Range Bronze Frenchbeer Turkey Crown (3-4kg)

Well-known for a rich flavour and tender, moist meat, our Bronze Turkeys are reared slowly on a whole food diet by John Malseed on his family’s farm in Devon. Free to roam, foraging as they please and housed safely overnight in small groups, the care and attention put into rearing the birds results in a flavour like no other. Our turkeys are dry-plucked to ensure skin remains intact and sustains as much moisture as possible. They’re then game hung in John’s granite barns for up to two weeks to enrich flavour and tenderise the meat, while drying out the skin for a crispy perfect finish. Because of this process, when roasting, you will see the skin lift slightly and the fat “dancing” underneath, retaining all moisture and creating what we think is the best tasting turkey in the business. To make the most of your turkey’s delicious fat content, we recommend roasting it breast down. This technique allows the ample fat stored in the back to baste the bird as it cooks, resulting in a mouthwa