Diced Mutton (400g)

Our diced mutton is packed full of flavour and a great alternative to lamb. Mutton has a bolder, more ‘meaty’ flavour than lamb, and it also happens to be lower in fat too! Naturally lean, it’s best suited to slow cooking and it can really handle those big flavours too. Why not swap lamb for mutton in a curry, or use it in a fragrant tagine with dried apricots and toasted almonds. We source our lamb and mutton from a selection of Somerset farms, depending on availability and quality. Tom Eames is our main lamb farmer and maintains excellent husbandry standards which ensure strong, healthy livestock. All of our lamb matches our sourcing criteria of being grass and forage fed, and reared in high-welfare conditions. Clare, Tom’s wife, is a livestock vet so she’s in the perfect position to keep a good eye on things.